We employ a unique process, Healy 360, to strive to maximize the efficiency of your current financial position. It focuses on increasing your wealth along with protecting you from unforeseen events such as death, disability, inflation, taxation, and creditor claims. Our goal is to do that without affecting your current lifestyle.

*The above diagram does not necessarily represent the number of actual meetings we have, it simply demonstrates our process.
**Financial Advisors do not provide specific tax/legal advice and this information should not be considered as such. You should always consult your tax/legal advisor regarding your own specific tax/legal situation.


Our process brings together areas such as wealth accumulation, wealth preservation, protection, asset allocation, or retirement distributions. We look at each of these factors in relation to the whole. Isolating any of these elements prevents their coordination and integration into an efficient financial position, both today and in the future.


You will never receive a boiler plate set of recommendations. Calculations are done while you are in our office, and they are based on your assumptions and goals. You will understand both how various financial and insurance products work and how they may be coordinated to help maximize your financial situation.


Many people implement financial decisions based on opinions received from magazines, radio and television shows, financial planners, friends, neighbors, or human resource brochures. While these may be good sources of information, it is important to verify that these strategies are effective for your particular situation. We don’t ever want you to do something based on someone else’s opinion, including ours. Our process will review the advantages and disadvantages of every option so you can make the most informed decision.


You are more than a collection of financial numbers. You have dreams and aspirations. You have a philosophy of money. It is of utmost importance to us that we understand what your core values are throughout this process to help guide you toward the financial goals you desire.